A Thrilling Ray-Gun Blast
From the Past!
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In what might be the oddest literary pairing of all time, Gary K. Wolf, noted science fiction author and screenwriter, best known for creating the Roger Rabbit characters and Toontown, and John J. Myers, Catholic Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey have teamed up to co-write an action/adventure science fiction novel entitled Space Vulture. The book is an homage to Space Hawk, the first science fiction novel the two read as schoolboys.
Gary and John grew up together in the small farm town of Earlville, Illinois. Gary’s father ran the pool hall. John’s father was the town milk man. Together they discovered the special thrills, the magic and wonder, that only science fiction and fantasy can offer. Half a century later, they are still best friends. They still love fantastic fiction and its ability to stretch the mind, enrich the spirit, and warm the heart.
Determined to recapture the exhilarating science fiction of their youth, they transport us now to the far reaches of the galaxy. In their fast-paced new novel, heroic Marshal Victor Corsaire and cowardly con man Gil Terry join forces with a beautiful and courageous widow and her two young sons to battle Space Vulture, the most villainous marauder in the cosmos.
Come along for the ride and discover all the adventure, suspense, action and fun that Gary and John first found in science fiction fifty years ago, and now share with you in this rollicking tale of the spaceways.
Gary K. Wolf is the veteran SF author best known for his novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit?, the basis for the hit film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, winner of four Academy Awards. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Most Reverend John J. Myers was the Bishop of Peoria, Illinois before being installed as Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey where he currently lives. He holds a doctorate in canon law and has written in that field as well as on theological and pastoral matters. This is his first novel.
John on the left,
Gary on the right,
in 1945 at a party welcoming John's father home from World War II. |